Innovative human cell and tissue-based products for the wound care market.
Pioneering Human Cell and Tissue Products for Better Patient Outcomes
_____ ABOUT US
STEMGEN BIOTHERAPEUTICS ® Advanced therapy medicinal products
biotech company established in Mexico & Spain focused to development Advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs) to regenerate and repair skin.
Dr. Eduardo Alvaro Galue
Years of Experiences
CTO / Founder
Your full service lab for
Human cell and tissue-based products
Our process is to ensure the generation of
accurate and precise tissue cell
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Testing Begins many varios suffered alten in some
Testing Begins
Testing Begins many varios suffered alten in some
Reports Delivered
Testing Begins many varios suffered alten in some
Your full service lab for clinical trials. Our process is to ensure the generation of accurate and precise findings

Our Mission is Give You Always Best Results.
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Your full service lab for clinical trials. Our process is to ensure the generation of accurate and precise findings
We are Trusted by over 25000+ of customers
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Technologies Area
We’ll ensure you always get the best results:

Fibroblasts cell therapy focused to improve aging like wrinkles, scars, and nasolabial folds.

Decellularized amniotic membrane as a biological wound cover to re epithelized skin. Can be use in 2nd. Degree burns partially and deep as well in chronic wound ulcers.

Decellularized amniotic membrane as a biological eye cover to promote cornea regeneration.

Decellularized amniotic membrane as a biological eye cover to promote cornea regeneration.
has some clinical trials to develop the second platform to repair skin.
01. STEMGEN Technology
has some clinical trials to develop the second platform to repair skin.
Skin graft Tissue engineering combining human cells and hydrogels.